Well I decided to write a post because i'm not tired and have nothing else to do, and i'm sick of lookin at what i'm thankful for! it's nice and all, but everytime I look at my blog . . . it doesn't change, so I figured I would change the background a bit and get a new post out there! I don't know what I am going to talk about except the only thing that is on my mind :)
Anyway, this is my last normal week of real life, i'm a wee bit sad but mostly EXCITED!!! I still feel a little unprepared, but everyone says that the MTC will crush me and kick my butt anyway, so I figure, why should I be any different? It's okay to be a little unprepared :)
Now insted of seeing things I am thankful for, I get to see this picture of me for the next few days, weeks, months or years :) Hee Hee
So there once was this horse who loved oats, he ate oats all the time and he wouldn't eat anything else becasue he loved the oats so much! well one day he was sold into bondage and this new farmer only fed him hay, at first he was so discouraged and bewildered, but that was all he had to eat, so he finally started eating it and liking it! He loved hay so much, he thought, "how could I ever eat those oats?" Just as he got used to liking hay, the old farmer bought him back. The old farmer fed him oats and he forgot how much he loved them! so he ate them from that day forward. . . The End (Yes, I know that too many oats cause a horses hoofs to split and get mis-shaped)
I relate this made up fantasy story to me, I am the horse and I am here eating oats with my family and friends in Spanish Fork! however when I get out on a mission I will be eating hay, then I come home and eat oats again :) That is how my life goes, and when I wrote this story I thought of that drink "Mate" (Mah-tay) or however you spell it. The drink with the wierd straws and you drink them out of strange cups, well anyway, that is pretty much like eating hay, how literal :)
If you are still reading this post, obviously you have found out that I have nothing better to do and you are loosing IQ points. Tuning out, this is Alan Bushman, thanks for letting me waste your time :)
Cute background. This was funny but I did loose IQ points, which saddens me cause I don't have many to spare.
Lol, I'm really glad that oat story had some kind of point to it. And your background makes me laugh :) Enjoy your last official week Al, I know you're sick of us but keep in mind that you'll miss us when you're gone :) We'll miss you!
I must agree with Hill, but I have to admit the mate bit cracked me up (nasty stuff, just like hay! hahaha)
Still waiting for a normal serious post from you. My IQ had no points to spare. So glad you are turning your sleeping habits around, wow 9:30? You will be three hours into study in a few days. Kepp up the good work!
I laughed out loud when I read the part about everyone wanting to take your picture because you were up at 9:30. Too bad they didn't, that was a red letter day.
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